Tag Archive | YABound Swoon

SWOON Thursday: Stray by Rachel Vincent

The lovely ladies over at YA Bound created this super HOT meme.  Here’s how it works.

From the book you’re currently reading, or one you just finished, tell us what made you SWOON. What got your heart pounding, your skin tingling, and your stomach fluttering.

This week’s SWOON is from:

Twitter Approved:

 “No head start for you,” he whispered, running one hand over my hip and up my side…

Bloggy Version:

 “No head start for you,” he whispered, running one hand over my hip and up my side. His fingers tickled, sending promising shivers all over me. I squirmed beneath him and heard his breath catch.

“I don’t need a head start,” I breathed, my cheek pressed to the floor. His stomach was warm against the curve of my lower back, bare between the seam of my shirt and the low waist of my jeans. On the radio, a new tune played, intense, and heavy on guitar and drums. My heart raced along with its rhythm, and my legs ached to run. But instead of glorying in the freedom of speed, I was trapped, immobile. “I’ve always been faster than you, and a few years with limited practice time isn’t enough to give you an advantage.” I twisted my neck, trying to see him. “Besides, you can’t run while you’re holding me down.”

His fingers eased beneath the edge of my top, brushing the sensitive skin over my ribs and beneath my breast. I gasped, fascinated by the curiously delicate sensation and my own conflicting impulses. One was to fight, to claw at the carpet in a bid for freedom. But the other was to lie still in anticipation of what might come next. Because whatever it was, knowing Jace, it would be good.

SWOON Thursday 10/11/12

The lovely ladies over at YA Bound created this super HOT meme.  Here’s how it works.

From the book you’re currently reading, or one you just finished, tell us what made you SWOON. What got your heart pounding, your skin tingling, and your stomach fluttering.

This week’s SWOON is from:

Twitter Approved:

His hands…his kisses were completely undoing me. And when his hand moved down my stomach…

Bloggy Version:

His hands…his kisses were completely undoing me. And when his hand moved down my stomach, slipping even farther down, I opened my eyes, his name barely a whisper. A faint whitish-red glow outlined his body, throwing shadows along the walls of his bedroom. There was something soul-burningly beautiful about being on the brink of losing control, tumbling over into the unknown, and I wanted to fall and never resurface.








What did you think of my SWOON? What’s your SWOON this week? Leave me a comment!

SWOON Thursday

The lovely ladies over at YA Bound created this super HOT meme.  Here’s how it works.

From the book you’re currently reading, or one you just finished, tell us what made you SWOON. What got your heart pounding, your skin tingling, and your stomach fluttering.

This week’s SWOON is from:

Goodreads Description:

Meet Natalie Page, the girl all the boys love. As a friend.

When Natalie makes the varsity cross country team, she’s certain she’s about shed her reputation as a social zero. Hey, the captain of the boys’ team has started driving her home from school and she’s getting invited to senior parties, right?

There’s just one problem.

Failing geometry? How utterly uncool. If she doesn’t get her grades up she’s off the team…and back to being a high school nothing. Matt, her new tutor, is making the nightmare even worse. He’s totally hot, but he thinks sports are idiotic and that Natalie’s a flake.






And now….Twitter approved:

His eyes were all smoky and made me all warm “Apparently, running isn’t the only thing you’re good at.”

Bloggy version:

He finally pulled away, but not very far. His eyes were all smoky and made me all warm. “Apparently, running isn’t the only thing you’re good at.” his voice was husky and gravelly and it made my skin pop up in goose bumps. He brushed his thumb over my lips, and I thought for sure I was going to die right on the spot.

“You, too.” Was that my voice? Sounded Awfully breathless.

The corner of his mouth curved up. “I’m not good at running.”

“Well you’re good at kissing.”

He broke into a full grin. “Thanks.” He rubbed his thumb over my cheeks, and I melted a little bit more.


Did you have a SWOON this week?? Leave a link for me!

SWOON Thursday 7/26/12


The lovely ladies over at YA Bound created this super HOT meme.  Here’s how it works.

From the book you’re currently reading, or one you just finished, tell us what made you SWOON. What got your heart pounding, your skin tingling, and your stomach fluttering.

This week’s SWOON is from:

Twitter approved:

Dante leans in, his lips so close to me cheek that I can feel his warm breath.

Bloggy version:

I laugh at his ridiculous expression, then turn to find Dante watching me.

His blue eyes are solemn and I wonder what he is thinking.

Laughingly, I ask, “I can ask for anything?”

Dante leans in, his lips so close to my cheek that I can feel his warm breath.

“Just say the word and it’s yours.”

I suck my breath in and stare at him. He seems so serious all of a sudden and my heart starts skipping beats. His nearness is making me crazy. He smells delicious, like the earth, the sea, the sun and the woods. I have to literally bite my lip from replying, You. I want you.

And I realize with a start, that I do.

I do want him.

I’ve known him all of two days and I want him completely, utterly and absolutely.



I read this book and adored it hardcore. Review is to come up soon! Look for it next week 🙂 Tell me what you think of my SWOON!!!

SWOON Thursday 7/19/12

The lovely ladies over at YA Bound created this super HOT meme.  Here’s how it works.

From the book you’re currently reading, or one you just finished, tell us what made you SWOON. What got your heart pounding, your skin tingling, and your stomach fluttering.

Twitter Approved


A deep mmm rumbled at the back of his throat. “I know that taste. And I miss it,” he breathed.


Bloggy Version:


He tugged and I released my hold on his fingertip. He raised that finger to his mouth and tasted it. He closed his eyes. A deep mmm rumbled at the back of his throat. “I know that taste. And I miss is,” he breahed.

When he opened his eyes, they were ablaze. I remembered that look. I’d always remember it. It turned my insides to lava and made me forget the world.